We aim to be a sustainable global company that pioneers the future of motorization.
We aim to be a sustainable global company that pioneers the future of motorization.
GMB will not make any guarantee either implicitly or explicitly for accuracy, benefit, wholeness, up-to-date, authenticity and/or suitability of its contents (such as writings, photos, ilustrations, images etc)
GMB has the right to add, change, modify and delete its website contents without notice. GMB can stop or interrupt its website operation without notice.
GMB encrypts your private information in our website and pays attention to secure and control your data in a strict manner. However GMB will not make any guarantee on the loss, leakage and/or data alteration by the third party.
GMB is not responsible about the possible damage in your linking from our website with another one and/or your linking from another website with GMB website. GMB is not responsible for any damage you may undergo through false GMB website.
GMB as receiving your comments, opinions, proposals and or questions, considers them as non-confidential information (except for private information) and can make unlimited use of them by duplicating, adopting, displaying and/or distributing. GMB can also make unlimited use of ideas, knowhows, concepts and/or techniques included herein for its product development, proudction, sales and/or other purposes.
Prepared on March 30, 2012