We aim to be a sustainable global company that pioneers the future of motorization.

List of GMB locations in Japan


We aim to be a sustainable global company that pioneers the future of motorization.

  • Exterior view of GMB Corporation's Nara headquarters and factory

    Nara Head Office & Plant

    150-3 Handa, Kawanishi-cho, Shiki-gun, Nara

  • Exterior view of GMB Corporation Yao, Factory

    Yao Office & Plant

    4-36-3 Kusune-cho, Yao-shi, Osaka

  • Exterior view of GMB Sales&Marketing Office

    GMB Sales & Marketing Office

    Urban Ace Kitahama Bld. 12F 2-3-7,
    Hiranomachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka

  • Exterior view of Yodoyabashi Office

    Yodoyabashi Office

    Yodoyabashi PREX 11F 2-4-9,
    Hiranomachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka

List of GMB locations around the world


We aim to be a sustainable global company that pioneers the future of motorization.